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Beijing Houses Lease Contract
Lessor (Party A): **** Credential type and NO.: 1426251974072****
Lessee (Party B): **** Credential type and NO.:2103021978120****
**** 220XXXXX972080****
Based on the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant regulations and laws, Party A and Party B agree to enter into this Contract in equal status and voluntarily with articles as follow,
Article 1: General states of the house
(a) The house is located at __Room XXXX, building XX, **** Community, **** District, Beijing_ (Address) and the size is 88.54 Square meters.
(b)The condition of the house property rights: party A has (√Muniment/□Public houses lease contract/□Houses Purchase Contract /□Other certificate), the muniment NO.: 1****0 , or the certificate of obtaining the house: , House-owner’s name (Public houses lessee or house buyer): Lei Feng, Whether the house has been mortgaged (□YES/√NO).
Article 2: Rental situation and registration
(a) Rental purposes: live ; If the rental purposes is for residence, the number of inhabitant is 3 , and should not exceeding 5 persons.
Article 3:Lease Term
(a) From the date_2013_/_7_/_15_ to_2014_/_7_/_15_ totally 1 Years _0_ months. Party A should vacate the house and turn it over to Party B before _2013_∕_7_∕_15_, complying with the promise. After Party A and Party B had signed and sealed the “Property list” (appendix 1), and Party A had delivered the key of the house to Party B, and Party B had delivered _Rental_ to Party A, the house have been delivered.
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我是在366 翻译社做的,我一下就记住这个名字了,数字的名字很奇怪,但是翻译速度很快,比我块多了,我现在手里还有当时的翻译文件袋,他有移民局认可的翻译专用章的,是有资质的翻译机构。当时我是自己翻译的,找他帮忙盖章,后来自己懒得翻译了,尤其是银行流水单,眼睛都要瞎掉了,后来就丢给他了,他有那个澳大利亚移民局要求的翻译资质(NAATI翻译资质章)
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Certification by Translator
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