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对于绵延几千年的中国陶瓷艺术而言,在17世纪晚期至18世纪早期之间,欧洲画珐琅(painted enamel) 技术被引进,是一件极为重要的事件。由于这项技术和随之一起传入中国的西方画珐琅风格,中国陶瓷的釉上彩绘艺术无论在纹饰、还是绘制技法、色彩应用、艺术风格等方面,都发生了极大的变化,并且这还间接地影响到中国人的陶瓷艺术的审美趣味、陶瓷贸易和产业发展。从某种程度上来说,即便到了21世纪的今天,这种影响仍在中国最大的艺术陶瓷生产地---景德镇延续着。17-18世纪画珐琅作品(painted enamel work)使用的主要技法、风格至今仍被奉为陶瓷艺术行业的经典;由于画珐琅的技法引进而推动的新的陶瓷绘画,在今天仍然是景德镇的一个繁荣的支柱产业。而围绕着“中国瓷胎画珐琅”(Chinese painted enamel on porcelain body)的研究和论述,在某些问题上,无论在东方还是西方,也有着许多不同的见解。因此系统地梳理和研究欧洲画珐琅技术传入与中国陶瓷面貌的变化及其影响,对于理解18世纪及以后中国陶瓷艺术有着非常现实的意义。
For the Chinese ceramic art which has a history for thousands of years, it is a remarkable event when the European painted enamel was imported into China between late 17th century and early 18th century. Due to the introduced technique and the introduction of the alongside western painted enamel styles, Chinese colored painting on enamel has changed dramatically in various aspects including emblazonry, painting technique, color application, artistic style and etc. Moreover, it has indirectly influenced the aesthetic taste, ceramic trade and industrial development of Chinese people. To some extent, it can be said that even today in 21st century, such influence is still evident in the biggest artistic ceramic production base --- Jingdezhen. The main techniques and styles applied in the painted enamel work during 17th and 18th centuries remain recognized as classics in ceramic art domain; the new ceramic painting which was driven forward by the introduction of painted enamel technique is still a prosperous backbone industry in Jingdezhen. Meanwhile, in terms of some issues about the study and discussion centered on “Chinese painted enamel on porcelain body”, different views exist between eastern and western world. Therefore, it is of great realistic meaning for understanding Chinese ceramic art in and after 18th century to systematically comb and study the introduction of European painted enamel and the change and influence of it on Chinese ceramics.
我当初是自己翻译的,找366 翻译社盖章(不盖章不承认),这样最便宜,我是技术移民,银子不多,想的这个办法,后来眼睛都快瞎了,你要是银子多,就丢给他,你要是省钱,就学我。做移民文件翻译,就来吧,我手里还有个他们单位的袋子。