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初级会计 会计术语名称 英文名称 对账 (checking) 对应账户 (corresponding accounts) 定期清查 (Periodic checking method) 定期盘存制 (periodic inventory system) 订本式账簿 (bound book) 调整账户 (adjustment accounts) 调整分录 (adjusting journal entry) 单式记账凭证 (single account title voucher) 单式记账法 (single-entry bookkeeping) 从属账户 (Secondary accounts) 成本计算账户 (costing accounts) 财产清查 (physical inventory) 簿记 (bookkeeping) 不定期清查 (non-periodic checking method) 补充登记法 (correction by extre recording) 表外账户 (off-balance sheet accounts) 备抵账户 (provision accounts) 备抵附加账户 (provision and adjunct accounts) 备查账簿 (memorandvn) 序时账簿 (book of chronological entry) 一次凭证 (single-record document) 银行存款日记账 (deposit journal) 永续盘存制 (perpetual inventory system) 原始凭证 (source document) 暂记账户 (suspense accounts) 增减记账法 (increase-decrease bookkeeping) 债权结算账户 (accounts for settlement of claim) 债权债务结算账户(accounts for settlement of claim and debt) 债务结算账户 (accounts for settlement of debt) 账户 (account) 账户编号 (Account number) 账户对应关系 (debit-credit relationship) 账项调整 (adjustment of account) 专用记账凭证 (special-purpose voucher) 转回分录 (reversing entry) 资金来源账户 (accounts of sources of funds) 资产负债账户 (balance sheet accounts) 转账凭证 (transfer voucher) 资金运用账户 (accounts of applications of funds) 自制原始凭证 (internal source document) 总分类账簿 (general ledger) 总分类账户 (general account) 附加账户 (adjunct accounts) 付款凭证 (payment voucher) 分类账簿 (ledger) 多栏式日记账核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal) 结账 (closing account) 结账分录 (closing entry) 借贷记账法 (debit-credit bookkeeping) 局部清查 (partial ckeck) 卡片式账簿 (card book) 跨期摊提账户 (inter-period allocation accounts) 累计凭证 (multiple-record document) 联合账簿 (compound book) 明细分类账簿 (subsidiary ledger) 明细分类账户 (subsidiary account) 盘存账存 (inventory accounts) 平行登记 (parallel recording) 全面清查 (complete check) 日记总账 (combinod journal and ledger) 日记总账核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using summarized journal) 三式记账法 (triple-entry bookkeeping) 实账户 (real accounts) 试算表 (trial balance) 试算平衡 (trial balancing) 收付记账法 (receipts-payment bookkeeping) 收款凭证 (receipt voucher) 损益表账户 (income statement accounts) 通用记账凭证 (general purpose voucher) 通用日记账核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using general journal) 外来原始凭证 (source document from outside) 现金日记账 (cash journal) 虚账户 (nominal accounts) 汇总原始凭证 (cumulative source document) 汇总记账凭证核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using summary ovchers) 工作底稿 (working paper) 复式记账凭证 (mvltiple account titles voucher) 复式记账法 (Double entry bookkeeping) 复合分录 (compound entry) 划线更正法 (correction by drawing a straight ling) 汇总原始凭证 (cumulative source document) 会计凭证 (accounting documents) 会计科目表 (chart of accounts) 会计科目 (account title) 红字更正法 (correction by using red ink) 会计核算形式 bookkeeping procedures) 过账 (posting) 会计分录 (accounting entry) 会计循环 (accounting cycle) 会计账簿 (Book of accounts) 活页式账簿 (loose-leaf book) 集合分配账户 (clearing accounts) 计价对比账户 (matching accounts) 记账方法 (bookkeeping methods) 记账规则 (recording rules) 记账凭证 (voucher) 记账凭证核算形式 (Bookkeeping proced ureusing vouchers) 记账凭证汇总表核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary) 简单分录 (simple entry) 结算账户 (settlement accounts) 自然资源 natural resources 存货 inventory 车间经费【旧】
| 中级会计 期间费用 Period Expense 收入的确认 recognition of revenue 公司债券发行价格 d issuing price 固定资产折旧 depreciation of fixed assets 可转换债券 convertible bonds 公司债券利息摊销 加速折旧法 accelerated depreciation methods 营业外收支净额 net non-operating income and expenditure 公司债券利率 interest rate on debenture 应收账款出借 assignment of accounts receivable 无担保债券 debenture bonds 后进先出法 last-in,first-out,LIFO 其他货币资金 Other monetary assets 应付票据贴现 discount on notes payable 先进先出去 first-in,first-out缩写FIFO 在发建工程 constructions in process 固定资产更换与固定资产改良 improvements and replacements of fixed assets 实地盘存制 periodic inventory system 收益总括观点 all-inclusive concept of income 损益表法 Income statement approach 可变现净值法 net realizable value 应付福利费 Accrued welfarism 基本业务利润 固定资产扩建 additions of fixed assets 债券赎回 应交折基金【旧】 应收账款出售 sale or factoring of accounts receivable 或有负债 contingent liability 销货退回与折让 sales returns and allowances 零售价格法 retail method 现金折扣 cash discount 特定履行法 其他业务利润 公司债券 bonds payable 销售法 sale method 应付票据 notes payable 认股权 stock rights 固定资产修理 repairs and maintenance of fixed assets 有担保债券 mortgage bonds 销售费用 selling expenses 应付股利 dividends payable 基本生产【旧】 应收票据 notes receivable 无形资产 intangible assets 收款法 collection method 所得税 income tax 流动负债 current liabilities 生产法 production method 计划成本核算 废弃和生置法 retirement and replacement method 盘存法 inventory method 流动资产 current assets 购货折扣 purchases discounts 商誉 goodwill 应收账款 accounts receivable 投资收益 investment income 营业利润 operating income 预提费用 股本 capital stock 企业管理费【旧】 公司债券偿还 redemption of bonds 坏账 bad debts 固定资产重估价 revaluations of fixed assets 银行存款 cash in bank 固定资产 fixed assets 利润总额 利润分配 profit distribution 应计费用 accrued expense 商标权 trademarks and tradenames 全部履行法 净利润 net income 应付利润 profit payable 未分配利润 Undistributed profits 收益债券 income bonds 货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents 利息资本化 capitalization of interests 法定公益金 Statutory welfare reserve 工程物资 engineer material 预付账款 advance to supplier 其他应收款 other receivables 现金 cash 预收账款 Advance Received from Customers 公司债券发行 corporate bond floatation 应付工资 wages payable 实收资本 paid-in capital 盈余公积 surplus reserves 管理费用 Management Fee/Management Fees 土地使用权 股利 dividend 应交税金 taxes payable 流动资金 负商誉 negative goodwill 费用的确认 recognition of expense 短期投资 temporary investment 短期借款 Short-term Borrowing 递延资产 deferred charges 低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods/Low value consumbles 当期经营观点 current operating concept of income 待摊费用 待核销基建支出[旧] 待处理流动资产损失 待处理固定资产损失 存货销售的影响 effects of inventory errors 折旧[旧] depreciation 折旧方法 depreciation method 折旧率 depreciation rate 支出 payment 直线法 straight-line 职工福利基金【旧】 专项拨款【旧】 专利权 patents 住房基金 housing fund 重置成本法 replacement costing 专项物资[旧] 专项资产【旧】 专有技术 know-how 专营权 franchises 资本公积 capital reserves 资产负债表法 资金占用和资金来源[旧] 标准成本法 standard costing 变动成本法 variable costing 比例履行法 包装物 Wrappage 版权 copyrights 偿债基金 sinking fund 长期应付款 long-term payables 长期投资 long-term investments 长期借款 long-term loans 长期负债 long-term liability of long-term debt 财务费用 financing expenses 拨定留存收益 appropriated retained earnings |
找366 翻译社做比较好的,他家经过美国移民局认可的,存款证明翻译件,能够加盖移民局认可的公章,是有效的。
我当初是自己翻译的,找366 翻译社盖章(不盖章不承认),这样最便宜,我是技术移民,银子不多,想的这个办法,后来眼睛都快瞎了,你要是银子多,就丢给他,你要是省钱,就学我。做移民文件翻译,就来吧,我手里还有个他们单位的袋子。
我之前找366 翻译社做过,现在手里还有个翻译文件袋,是正规的翻译机构,公证处认可的翻译机构,速度也快,我坐在那等了一会儿就好了,价格一般,谈不上多便宜.