电 话:010-6275 8839
手 机:139-1123-0511
邮 箱:einkedu@qq.com
地 址:北京海淀北京大学资源办公楼1618室
1 | 不要害怕消防人员会保护你 | Please do not be afraid, the firefighter will protect you. |
2 | 请保持镇定! | Please stay calm. |
3 | 我们会尽力帮助你 | We will do our best to help you. |
4 | 不要惊慌! | Do not panic! |
5 | 用湿毛巾盖住口鼻 | Use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose. |
6 | 尽快走到最近的紧急出口 | Walk quickly to the nearest emergency exit. |
7 | 不要去拿你的个人财物 | Do not take your personal belongings. |
8 | 不要使用电梯! | Do not use the elevators. |
9 | 不要试图跳楼 | Do not attempt to jump off the building. |
10 | 避免吸入浓烟 | Try not to breath in the smoke. |
11 | 我们会把你的朋友救出来 | We will do our best to rescue your friend. |
12 | 我们已经将火势扑灭 | We have put out the fire. |
13 | 你有没有受伤? | Are you injured? |
14 | 你哪里痛? | Where does it hurt? |
15 | 紧闭门窗!! | Shut the doors and windows well!! |
16 | 你从哪里打电话 | Where are you calling from? |
17 | 你是否有受伤或是受困 | Are you injured or trapped? |
18 | 假如来电者受伤留在你现在的位置。我们正派人前往协助。假如你距离火灾现场太近,或是有闻到天然瓦斯,在你伤势许可的范围下,离开那个区域,但是仍请留在现场附近,这样救难人员才能找到你 | If the caller is injured: |
19 | 假如来电者没有受伤:你是否知道身旁有没有其他人受伤请描述一下现场受损的状况 | If the caller is not injured:Do you know if there are others injured around you? Please describe the damage in your area? |
20 | 不要试着单独去残骸堆中救人。在没有专业的救援技术及设备下,你可能伤害到待救者 | Do not try to extricate victims from debris on your own. You might harm them without the use of professional rescue techniques and equipment. |
21 | 假如你发现受害者,用闪亮明显的物体标示他们的位置,然后打电话进来,并留在现场直到消防人员抵达 | If you find victims, mark their location with something bright and obvious, call back, and remain in the area until fire-rescue arrives on-scene. |
22 | 远离窗户或玻璃区域。避免大型玻璃天井区域,通常是在大卖场的中央位置 | Stay away from windows or glassed areas. Avoid large, glassed atrium areas such as might be found in the center of a mall. |
23 | 远离有宽敞天花板区域的大型房间,像是餐厅或是健身房 | Stay away from large rooms with wide ceiling areas, like dining halls or gymnasiums. |
24 | 你现在在哪里 | Where are you? |
25 | 建筑物现在是否着火 | Is the structure on fire? |
26 | 你有看见或是闻到烟味吗 | Do you see or smell smoke? |
27 | 假如建筑物着火,则以一般正常建筑物火灾案件响应派遣 | If the structure is on fire, dispatch a full structure response? |
28 | 你必须立即撤离整栋建筑物 | You need to evacuate the structure immediately. |
29 | 假如你看见火光,看见或闻到烟雾,你必须马上撤离这栋建筑物 | If you see fire, or see or smell smoke, then you must evacuate the structure. |
30 | 除非你正使用移动电话,否则挂上电直到闪电经过。闪电有可能从电话线中传导,并造成你受伤或死亡 | Unless you are on a portable or cell phone, hang up until the lightning has passed. Lightning can travel along phone lines and injure or kill you. |
31 | 你的房屋是闪电发生时最安全的地方。假如你在屋内,就留在里面。远离窗户及电器用品 | Your house is the safest place to be in a lightning storm. If you are inside, stay there. Avoid windows and electrical appliances. |
32 | 受害者现在人在哪里 | Where is the victim? |
33 | 试着分辨受害者是否迷失方向或呼吸困难 | Try to determine if the victim is disoriented, or having difficulty breathing. |
34 | 只要来电者到了安全的地方,则透过正常的紧急救护程序处理任何受伤问题 | Once the caller is in a safe place, handle any injuries per normal EMD procedures. |
35 | 你的位置在哪里 | Where are you located? |
36 | 你是否受困在你的车内 | Are you trapped in your vehicle? |
37 | 水是否很深,或是流动很快 | Is the water deep, or flowing fast. |
38 | 你的车辆是否漂浮假如是的话,往哪个方向漂流 | Is your vehicle floating If so, which direction is it going. |
39 | 假如有人受困在很深且流动快速的水里,且车辆正在漂浮,特别是水已经流进车内,车内的人员生命受到威胁时 | If the person is trapped in very deep, fast-moving water and/or the vehicle is floating away especially if water is getting into the automobile and their life is threatened. |
40 | 让车内的人打开一边的窗户,或是以鞋子或其他硬质的物体击破窗户 | Try to open a side window, or break it with your shoe or some other solid object. |
41 | 试着从车内找一个可以漂浮的物体。假如找不到任何东西的话,你可以用外套或衬杉制作替代的漂浮工具 | Try to find a flotation device of some sort in your automobile. If nothing else is available, you can use a jacket or shirt to trap air, and create your own makeshift flotation cushion. |
42 | 留在你的车内,我们已经通知消防人员前往了 | Stay in your car. We are sending the fire department. |
43 | 淹水是否已进到屋内 | Is the water inside the mobile home. |
44 | 假如屋外的淹水没有流动很快,或是水中没有太多的残骸,找一个地方撤离,像是附近干燥的地面 | If the water outside isn、t flowing too fast, or if the water doesn、t contain too much debris, then choose a place to evacuate such as nearby dry ground. |
45 | 假如水流速度太快,或是有其他任何理由让移动到高的地方变得不安全,请试着移动到稳定建筑物的屋顶 | If the water is flowing too fast, or if for any other reason it seems unsafe to try to get to high ground, try to get to the roof of a stable structure. |
46 | 当你离开时,找一个会漂浮的物体随身,像是沙发垫。每个人都要找一个随身 | Take some sort of flotation device such as a couch cushion with you when you leave. Take one such cushion for each person that is leaving. |
47 | 打开橱柜时要特别小心,注意里面的物品可能落掉下来 | Open cabinets cautiously. Beware of objects that can fall off shelves. |
48 | 远离受损的区域 | Stay away from damaged areas. |
49 | 除非特别受到警察、消防人员或救灾组织的要求,不然远离这些地方 | Stay away unless your assistance has been specifically requested by police, fire, or relief organizations. |
50 | 当相关单位表示安全时才能回到家中 | Return home only when authorities say it is safe. |
51 | 假如你住在海岸区域,注意可能的海啸 | Be aware of possible tsunamis if you live in coastal areas. |
52 | 当地的有关单位发布海啸警报时,可能有一连串的危险波浪即将接近 | When local authorities issue a tsunami warning, assume that a series of dangerous waves is on the way. |
53 | 远离海边 | Stay away from the beach |
54 | 协助受伤或受困的民众 | Help injured or trapped persons. |
55 | 记得协助需要特别协助的邻居,像是婴儿、老人或行动不便的人 | Remember to help your neighbors who may require special assistance such as infants, the elderly, and people with disabilities. |
56 | 收听最新报导,以了解当地地区水源供给是否安全可以饮用 | Listen for news reports to learn whether the communitys water supply is safe to drink. |
57 | 避免使用水库洪水余留的水,水质可能含有油污、汽油或污水。水源也可能因地下或倒塌的电力线路而蓄电 | Avoid floodwaters; water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline, or raw sewage. Water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines. |
58 | 远离流动的水源 | Avoid moving water. |
59 | 注意淹水区域淹水消退的地方,这些地方道路可能毁损并在车子的重量下造成摊塌 | Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car. |
60 | 远离倒塌的电力线路,并向电力公司通报状况 | Stay away from downed power lines, and report them to the power company. |
61 | 当有关当局指示确认安全无虞后,才能返回自己家中 | Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe. |
62 | 远离被淹水包围的建筑物 | Stay out of any building if it is surrounded by floodwaters. |
63 | 进入建筑物时要特别小心。可能会有一些潜在的损坏,特别是地基的部份 | Use extreme caution when entering buildings; there may be hidden damage, particularly in foundations. |
64 | 尽速检修受损的化粪池、污水池、滤水系统。受损的污水系统可能造成健康的重大危害 | Service damaged septic tanks, cesspools, pits, and leaching systems as soon as possible. Damaged sewage systems are serious health hazards. |
65 | 清洁并消毒任何被水浸湿的东西。淹水退去留下的泥巴,可能含有秽物和化学物质 | Clean and disinfect everything that got wet. Mud left from floodwater can contain sewage and chemicals. |
66 | 假如你受到灼烧伤,打电话给119,冷却并覆盖住烧伤部位以减少更进一步受伤或感染的机会 | If you are burned, call 1-1-9 ; cool and cover burns to reduce chance of further injury or infection. |
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