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新型冠状病毒 核酸检测报告翻译 英文_出国机场过海关_2小时内交付_加护照号码,出国的都懂, 核酸报告翻译英文,加急最快2小时
1.拍照/扫描文件 2.发图片/PDF/word文件给至微信 3.约定好取件时间、特殊要求,及支付翻译费用 4.取件(发送word文件,或盖章签字后的PDF文档),或,快递(闪送)纸质文件。
我当初是自己翻译的,找366 翻译社盖章(不盖章不承认),这样最便宜,我是技术移民,银子不多,想的这个办法,后来眼睛都快瞎了,你要是银子多,就丢给他,你要是省钱,就学我。做移民文件翻译,就来吧,我手里还有个他们单位的袋子。
Certificate of Accuracy
I, ______________________, hereby certify that I am a translator with the Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd., a legally established professional English translation service provider qualified to provide translation services between Chinese and English. I am fluent (conversant) in the English and Chinese languages. I have translated the enclosed Chinese documents into English, and hereby certify the translations to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, ability and understanding of the documents attached.
Signed by: __________________________
Name: _____________________________
Translation Seal of Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd
Date: May, 7th, 2018
可以去366翻 译社的,我之前朋友去车管所就是找他家翻译的,他家经过公安局交通队车管所认证的,老挝驾照翻译材料是有效的。我还有个翻 译 公司的纸袋子