电 话:010-6275 8839
手 机:139-1123-0511
邮 箱:einkedu@qq.com
地 址:北京海淀北京大学资源办公楼1618室
Original letter of consent for use of funds from applicant’s parents
My name is panda (Male, born on 1 September 1965, national residential ID number 0000000000000000000000). I am the father of xiao panda (Male, born on 5 July 1992, national residential ID number 111111111111111111111).
I am willing and able to fully support my son xxxx for his studying Pre-sessional English and Two-Year MMus Music Performance courses at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in the UK. I consent to provide my deposit of RMB 400,000 to support xxxx for his study in the UK and continue to support him until he completes his postgraduate studies.
panda (Signature)
Add: 000, Building 0, Dongyuanlin, Shuangqiao District, Chengde City, Hebei Province
Tel: +86-13901234567
Date: 5 July 2016
可以找366 翻译社的,在海淀桥那很方便,你自己翻译国外大学不承认的,他们需要翻译资质的,翻译专用章需要备案,翻译员还要签字,总之,自己翻译不可以的(你至少要找翻译 公司帮你出资质)
我小姨去新西兰是找的366 翻译社做的移民文件翻译,规模很大,你要不是北京的也不用担心,他可以给你发电子版,也可以寄快递,我小姨当初就是,我给办的,一切顺利(新西兰要求翻译资质,翻译盖章,你要提前跟他说,看这里://www.agencecz.com/a/4642.html)