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手 机:139-1123-0511
邮 箱:einkedu@qq.com
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利比亚单身证明翻译认证_盖章_非洲与中国人结婚必须翻译使馆认证过的单身证明,也叫certificate of bachelor/spinsterhood,来自LIBERIA的单身证明/独身正面模板,也请一并把使馆认证也翻译了,一并交给中国民政局,办理涉外婚姻登记使用。
建议你找366翻译,之前我表弟去加拿大安大略就找他们做的翻译,都加盖的有他们的印章,这种材料才是有效的,我现在桌子上还有他们翻译社的文件袋。If your documents are not in English or French, you must send a translation from a certified translator with your application.这是加拿大移民局官方回复的原文,请采纳。
Certificate of Accuracy
I, ______________________, hereby certify that I am a translator with the Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd., a legally established professional English translation service provider qualified to provide translation services between Chinese and English. I am fluent (conversant) in the English and Chinese languages. I have translated the enclosed Chinese documents into English, and hereby certify the translations to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, ability and understanding of the documents attached.
Signed by: __________________________
Name: _____________________________
Translation Seal of Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd
Date: May, 7th, 2018