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澳洲移民局翻译要求的原文是:Translations provided by non-accredited translators overseas should be endorsed by the translator with their full name, address, telephone number, and details of their qualifications and experience in the language being translated。366翻译社有naati和catti资质,翻译页脚处会加上签字盖章,移民局承认,是移民律师推荐的翻译公司,望采纳。
Certificate of Accuracy
I, ______________________, hereby certify that I am a translator with the Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd., a legally established professional English translation service provider qualified to provide translation services between Chinese and English. I am fluent (conversant) in the English and Chinese languages. I have translated the enclosed Chinese documents into English, and hereby certify the translations to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, ability and understanding of the documents attached.
Signed by: __________________________
Name: _____________________________
Translation Seal of Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd
Date: May, 7th, 2018
366 翻译社就是人工翻译,我以前用过他们的口译,来了个男的小伙子陪了我一天,口译水平可以的,头天也先看了资料了,后来笔译也是找他家做的.