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366翻译公司首页 > 合同翻译 > 北京市房屋租赁合同英文版


20-10-18 返回列表


Beijing House Leasing Contract

Lessor (Party A):               Certificate type and number:                            

Lessee (Party B):               Certificate type and number:                          

As per the stipulations of Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B reach the follow agreement on the relevant issues of the house leasing on equal and voluntary basis:

Article I Basic information of the house

(II) House ownership conditions: Party A holds ( Ownership certificate / Leasing contract of public housing / Housing contract / Other certificates of house source), with the house ownership certificate number as     /    or name of the certificate of the house source as /    , the name or title of the house owner (lessee or purchaser of the public house) as     /    , and the house mortgage condition as (Yes / R No).

Article II House leasing condition and registration record

(I) Leasing purpose: living; in case of leasing for living, the residents are 2, not more than 3 residents.

III. Leasing term

(I) The house leasing term is from October 20, 2019 to October 19, 2020, totally 1 year and   / months. Party A shall deliver the house to Party B as the conditions agreed on before October 17, 2019. The delivery shall be deemed as completed after the House Delivery List (as shown in Attachment I) is verified and signed by both parties and the house keys, electric card and gas card are delivered.

(II) Upon the leasing term expiry or contract cancellation, Party A has the right to take back the house and Party B should return the house and its accessories, equipment and facilities as per the original state. Party A and Party B should have acceptance for the house, its accessories, equipment and facilities, as well as water and electricity using conditions, etc. and settle the expenses which should be borne by each other respectively.

In case Party B keeps on leasing, Party B should put forward (oral) leasing renewal request to Party A 30 days ahead, and both parties sign the house leasing contract again after reaching consensus through negotiation.

Lessor’s (Party A) signature and stamping:  Lessee’s (Party B) signature and stamping:

Authorized proxy:                      Nationality:

Contact tel:                           Authorized proxy:

                                                  Contact tel:

  MM    DD,   YY                     MM    DD,    YY








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