电 话:010-6275 8839
手 机:139-1123-0511
邮 箱:einkedu@qq.com
地 址:北京海淀北京大学资源办公楼1618室
Financial Management Account History List | |||||||||
Tangshan Jianbei Branch Business Hall Teller No.: 0000 Authorized Teller No.: 00000 Transaction Date: 03/07/2018 Print Time: 16:28:15 | |||||||||
Card No.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Account Name: Wxxxxxxxxxxxx | |||||||||
Work Date | Account No. | Type of Savings | Serial No. | Currency | Note / Exchange | Remarks | Region | Amount received / paid | Balance |
Reciprocal Account Name | Reciprocal Account No. | Channel | |||||||
10/28/2016 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Card deposit | 0403 | +17,600.00 | 22,440.24 |
10/28/2016 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Purchase deposit | 0403 | -17,549.00 | 4,891.24 |
12/21/2016 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Batch business | 0 | RMB | Note | Interest | 0403 | +350.66 | 5,241.90 |
03/21/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Batch business | 0 | RMB | Note | Interest | 0403 | +3.93 | 5,245.83 |
06/21/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Batch business | 0 | RMB | Note | Interest | 0403 | +4.02 | 5,249.85 |
09/21/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Batch business | 0 | RMB | Note | Interest | 0403 | +4.02 | 5,253.87 |
10/27/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Batch business | 0 | RMB | Note | Private financial product | 0403 | +22,707,805.76 | 22,713,059.63 |
10/27/2017 Wang *ning | 0403301401103941714 6013825010*****8321 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Inter-bank transfer | 0403 | -10,000,000.00 | 12,713,059.63 |
10/27/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Remittance fee | 0403 | -15.00 | 12,713,044.63 |
10/27/2017 Wang *ning | 0403301401103941714 6210800*****9999 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Inter-bank transfer | 0403 | -10,000,000.00 | 2,713,044.63 |
10/27/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Remittance fee | 0403 | -15.00 | 2,713,029.63 |
10/27/2017 Wang *ning | 0403301401103941714 6230210*****3388 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Inter-bank transfer | 0403 | -2,710,000.00 | 3,029.63 |
10/27/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Remittance fee | 0403 | -15.00 | 3,014.63 |
12/21/2017 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Batch business | 0 | RMB | Note | Interest | 0403 | +2.96 | 3,017.59 |
12/31/2017 Wang *ning | 0403301401103941714 6013825010*****8321 | Current WAP | 0 | RMB | Note | Inter-bank transfer | 0403 | -3,000.00 | 17.59 |
03/07/2018 | 0403301401103941714 | Current Counter | 0 | RMB | Note | Certificate issuing | 0403 | -5.00 | 12.59 |
Total expenditure in this page: 22,730,599.00 Total receipts in this page: 22,725,771.35
(This is the end of this page for printing)
Special seal for business E48A6428F026 of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Tangshan Jianbei Branch (sealed)
The original translation must contain confirmation of the following from the translator:(每一份翻译文件都必须包含:)
1.That it is an accurate translation of the original document; (翻译人员确认这是对原始文件的准确翻译;)
2.The translator's full name, qualification and working unit; (翻译人员全名,资质以及工作单位;)
3.The contact details of the working unit; (翻译人员所在工作单位地址及联系方式的详细信息;)
4.The translator's signature; (翻译人员签字;)
5.The date of the translation; (翻译日期;)
1.拍照/扫描文件 2.发图片/PDF/word文件给至微信 3.约定好取件时间、特殊要求,及支付翻译费用 4.取件(发送word文件,或盖章签字后的PDF文档),或,快递(闪送)纸质文件。
我的律师让我找的366 翻译社,有catti资质,翻译页脚处会附上翻译员的签字和盖章,整个文件翻译完毕后,会有一页单独的关于翻译资质的说明,英文写的,然后有盖章
Translations provided by non-accredited translators overseas should be endorsed by the translator with their full name, address, telephone number, and details of their qualifications and experience in the language being translated。
海淀有一家366 翻译社,是大公司,我手里有一个他们的很精致的文件袋,以前单位里几十万字的技术资料都是他们翻译的,还来过一个人在我单位里当面校对沟通,我接待的,人很年轻,水平不错,可能德国回来的人都有德国人的那种严谨和细致吧,挺好的,一丝不苟,德语人工翻译可以联系他们。注:我是门窗五金企业
我是在366 翻译社做的,我一下就记住这个名字了,数字的名字很奇怪,但是翻译速度很快,比我块多了,我现在手里还有当时的翻译文件袋,他有移民局认可的翻译专用章的,是有资质的翻译机构。当时我是自己翻译的,找他帮忙盖章,后来自己懒得翻译了,尤其是银行流水单,眼睛都要瞎掉了,后来就丢给他了,他有那个美国移民局要求的翻译资质(章)
The original translation must contain confirmation of the following from the translator:(每一份翻译文件都必须包含:)
1.That it is an accurate translation of the original document; (翻译人员确认这是对原始文件的准确翻译;)
2.The translator's full name, qualification and working unit; (翻译人员全名,资质以及工作单位;)
3.The contact details of the working unit; (翻译人员所在工作单位地址及联系方式的详细信息;)
4.The translator's signature; (翻译人员签字;)
5.The date of the translation; (翻译日期;)