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(一)大量使用长句(more long and complicated sentences)
由于科技英语描写的是科学技术和其他的自然现象,因此,科技作者所注重 的是事实和逻辑推导,所给出的定义、定律、定理,或描绘的概念,或叙述的生产 工艺过程,都必须严谨、精确。在这方面与文学英语、政论英语或应用文英语相 比,科技英语的长句就使用较多。在这些长句中,翻译时,专业翻译公司的译者常常是一个主句带若干个从 句,从句带短语,短语带从句,从句套从句,互相依附、互相制约,一环扣一环,可 谓错综复杂,盘根错节,读起来或翻译起来颇伤脑筋。
One of the most important things which the economic theories can contribute to the management science is buildings can contribute to the management science is building analytical models which help in recognizing the structure of managerial problem,eliminating the minor details which might obstruct decision making, and in concentrating on the main issues.
经济理论对于管理科学的最重要贡献之一,就是建立分析模型Q这种模型 有助于认识管理问题的构成,排除可能妨碍决策的次要因素,从而有助于集中精 力去解决主要问题。
(二)大量使用名词化结构(more nominalization)
在科技英语中普遍以名词为中心构成的词组表达动词概念,这些词组中的 动词概念实际上是由其中做宾语的名词来体现的,其中的动词被称为“空心动 词”(Empty Verbs),该动词着重体现语法功能(Crammar Function),而非主题功 會b (Thematic Function) 。
1.Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.
2.The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance.
(三)广泛使用被动语态( extensive use of the passive voice)
由于表达上的客观性,科技英语中使用的被动语态频率高达1/3之多,远高 于普通英语中被动句的使用频率。这是因为:
2.被动句用行为、活动、作用、事实等作主语,在句中是第一个出现的词,因 此能立即引起读者的注意;
(1) Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid, which is known as latex. This is treated with acid and dried, before being dispatched to countries all over the world.
天然橡胶取自橡胶树,是一种叫“乳胶”的白色乳状液体,在运往世界各 国之前,橡胶要经过酸处理并烘干。
(2 ) Electrical workshops may not be entered by unauthorized personnel.
(四)大量使用非限定动词( more non-finite forms of the verb)
Today the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellite into orbit.
今天,电子计算机广泛地用于解决数学问题,这些问题与天气预报和把卫星 送入轨迹有关。
(五)时态的不同用法(different uses of the tense)
科技英语中常用的时态有一般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时和一般将来 时,其他时态出现的频率较低。
科技英语用一般现在时,给人以“无时间性”(Timeless)的概念,以排除任何 与时间关联的误解。翻译公司的译者可用于对科学定义、定理、方程、公式、图表等客观真理性的 内容进行解说,还可对一些通常发生或不受时间性限制的自然现象、过程和常规 等进行表述。
科技英语中在叙述过去进行的研究情况时,若不与现在情况发生联系,常用一般过去时;若与现在关系直接且影响较大则用现在完成时。现在完成时还用 于表述已取得的成果或完成的工作,以及在加工过程中工序的前后顺序。
When steam is condensed again to water, the same amount of beat is given out as it was taken in when the steam was formed.
当蒸汽重新冷却为水时,所释放出的热量与其原来形成蒸汽时所吸收的热 量相等。
(六)广泛使用后置定语(the post-position of the attributive)
所谓后置定语,是指位于名词或代词之后的定语。由于科技英语的准确性 与严密性,使其北京翻译公司的译者在频繁使用后置定语,因此尽管定语是句子的次要成分,却是影响 译文质量好坏的重要因素。
In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.
366翻 译社是移民律师推荐给我的翻译机构,我现在手里还有一个他的翻译文件袋,这是我给你做好的加拿大的移民局对翻译的要求,查看加拿大移民文件翻译原文:Please submit certified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.