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(1)概括一具体模式。概括一具体模式又称“一般一特殊模式”“预览一细节模 式”和“综合一例证模式”。它是英语中最常见的一种语篇模式,其大致结构可通过 以下形式来表示。
All forms of activity lead to boredom when performed on a routine basis. We can see this principle at work in people of all ages. On Christmas morning children play with their new toys and games. But the novelty soon wears off, and by January those same toys can be found tucked away in the attic. When parents bring home a pet, their child gladly grooms it. Within a short time, however, the burden of caring for the animal is shifted to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with enthusiasm but are soon looking forward to graduation. How many adults, who now complain about the long drives to work, eagerly drove for hours at a time when they first obtained their licenses? Before people retire,they usually talk about doing all of the interesting things that they never had time to do while working. But soon after retirement, the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they left. And like the child in January, they go searching for new toys.
上述语篇中的第一句是概括陈述。在接下来的内容中,作者分别以儿童、青少 年、成年人及老年人为例来论证第一句所提到的观点,即所有的活动形式都会变得 无趣。
(2)问题一解决模式。问题一解决模式的语篇描述顺序为:说明情况一出现问 题一做出反应一解决问题一做出评价。但其程序并不是一成不变的,有时也会有所变 动。例如:
(A) Helicopters are very convenient for dropping freight by parachute, but this system has its problems. (B) Somehow the landing impact has to be cushioned to give a soft landing. (C) The movement to be absorbed depends on the weight and the speed at which the charge falls.(D) Unfortunately most normal spring systems bounce the load
as it lands, sometimes turning it over. (E) To avoid this, Bertin, developer of the aero train, has come up with an air-cushion system which assures a safe and soft landing.
上述语篇第一句提出了一个情境,第二句提出了问题,第三句说明了对这一问题 的反应,最后一句对这一反应做出了评价。
(3)主张一反主张模式。在这种模式中,作者通常会先提出一种普遍认可的主张 和观点,然后说明自己的主张和观点,或者提出与之相反的观点。其中,主张部分可 以是假设的观点,反主张部分可以是对真实情况的描述,因此这一模式又称“假设一真实模式”。这一模式常见于论辩类篇章中。例如:
Recently, more and more college students are mad about in business and taking part- time jobs. Some students give all their attention to keeping their business accounts straight* and some even pack up their books and turn entirely to business. They said that they are taking real-life courses to learn more about society and so they can keep pace with^he outside world.
This is only a side of the story, however. They are actually selling themselves out as cheap unskilled labor, and at the same time, they are taking work from people who don’t have access to a university education. What’s more,they fail to live up to the expectation both the country and their parents hold on them, that is, they shall make good use of their innate talents and limited time in the university to finish higher education.
I think that, as college students, our priority is to study. Half-hearted efforts will only bring marginal results, and the opportunity to excel in society through a solid educational foundation will have been wasted.
第一段,作者点明了一些大学生“支持兼职工作”的观点。第二段,作者指出 他们的观点并不全面,并用事例来驳斥对方的观点。第三段,总结了自己的观点 “学习更重要”。整个语篇的架构属于主张一反主张模式。
(4)叙述模式。叙述模式就是按照一定的时间顺序对事件发生的过程进行描述, 在描述的过程中通常要交代五个方面的问题,即何时(when)、何地(where)、何事 (what)、何人(who)以及为何(why),简称“5W”。它常用于人物传记、虚拟 故事、历史故事和新闻报道中。例如:
On July 20, 1969,at least a half billion people from 49 countries kept their eyes fixed on television screens. Three American astronauts were waiting on a spaceship, “Apollo 11” sitting on top of a rocket that was 36 stories high. Their destination is the moon.
All those who watched knew that the landing of men on the moon was a tremendous achievement. They knew also that something might go wrong at any time. When the men got to the moon, would they be able to land? Would the surface be smooth enough? Would they able to walk on the moon? If so, what would they find there?
The final count down had come. Five... four... three... two... one, fire rockets! The three astronauts blasted off into the outer space in one of the most exciting adventures in history.
Just 76 hours after they left the earths surface they orbited the moon. A short time later two of the astronauts left their spaceship for a lunar landing craft and were preparing to land on the Surface of the moon. While millions of anxious people back on earth were watching on television, the first astronaut, Neil Armstrong cautiously climbed out of the landing craftand stepped down. When his left foot touched the dusty surface, he said: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap of mankind. w
At last man is walking on the moon.
上述是一个典型的叙事模式,该语篇包含了时间、地点、人物和事件等基本 要素。
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