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邮 箱:einkedu@qq.com
地 址:北京海淀北京大学资源办公楼1618室
按质论价 to fix prices according to quality of products
保暖防风 warm and windproof
保温性强 extremely efficient in preserving heat; good heat preservation
保质保量 quality and quantity assured
包君健康 to keep you fit all the time
包装多样 diversified in packaging
包装新颖美观 fashionable and attractive packages
备用详细目录,索函即寄。Catalogues will be sent upon request.
备有各种款式的现货,任君挑选。Available in various designs and specifications for your selection.
表面光洁 lustrous surface
薄利多销 small profit but large turnover
畅销全球 to sell well all over the world
采用先进技术和工艺to adopt advanced technology
操作简便 easy and simple to handle
驰名中夕卜 popular both at home and abroad
穿着舒适轻便 comfortable and easy to wear
典雅大方 elegant and graceful
冬暖夏凉 cool in summer and warm in winter
方便顾客 to make things convenient for customers方便商品 convenience goods 芳香宜人fragrant aroma
防病治病,延年益寿 to prevent and cure diseases,and to have a long life 服务周到 courteous service 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications 工艺精良 sophisticated technology 供不应求 Supply fails to meet the demand.
功效神奇 as effectively as a fairy does 瑰丽多彩 pretty and colourfUl 花色新颖novel patterns
花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 华丽绩美 beautiful and charming 货真价实 goods genuine and price reasonable 货源充足,供应及时 ample supply and prompt delivery 欢迎垂询 Enquires are cordially welcome.
回味隽永 pleasant in after-taste
技艺精湛 exquisite/ fine craftsmanship
价格公道 reasonable price; moderate price; fair in price
价廉物美 low prices and fine quality
减月巴延寿 to reduce body weight and prolong life
节日馈赠之佳品 ideal gift for all festive occasions
洁白透明 pure white and translucent
结构坚固 sturdy construction
经久耐用 structural durabilities; durable in use
精打细算 to be shrewd in money matters; carefUl calculation and strict budgeting
精品荟萃 a galaxy of fine goods
景色宜人 delightful scenery
景色如画 a picturesque landscape
久负盛名 long-standing reputation
居同类产品之首 to rank first among similar products
具有传统风味特色 distinctive for its traditional properties
具有中国风味 to possess Chinese flavours
科学精制 by scientific process
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All translated documents must bear the following information:
a) Full name of translator
b) Name of the organisation where translator works
c) Full address and contact details of the organisation
d) Details of qualification of the translator
e) Signature of the translator
f) Date of the translation
Applicants CANNOT undertake translation of their own documents. All translated documents must be professionally presented on A4 size paper.
我之前找366 翻译社做过,现在手里还有个翻译文件袋,是正规的翻译机构,公证处认可的翻译机构,速度也快,我坐在那等了一会儿就好了,价格一般,谈不上多便宜.