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英语企业外宣和汉语企业外宣使用人称的比较. 英语企业外宣文本大多采用第一人称We (或物主代词our)的叙述视角,语气亲近自然,易于拉近企业和读者(客户)的距离。有资质的翻译公司的译者一定要掌握。例如:
【例1】 Citi China's business is based on the highest standards of ethical conduct and maintaining full compliance with the laws and regulations that govern our company. We proactively uphold rigorous standards of corporate governance, encourage healthy competition in the banking and financial services industry, support and protect the rights of our customers, and ensure our people have the training and development they need to fulfill their career potential. Citi is committed to providing the best possible working environment and empowering our people to raise their own high standards when interacting with customers and other key stakeholders in China.
译文:花旗中国的业务建立在道德行为的最高标准基础之上并且完全遵守我们公司所适用的相关法律法规。我们积极推动在公司治理、促进银行和金融服务领域公平竞争、 保护支持客户权利以及确保员工享有实现事业潜力的培训与职业发展等各个方面建立严 格的标准。花旗始终致力于为员工提供最佳的工作环境及通过员工与包括客户在内的众 多利益相关群体的接触,不断鼓励员工的职业提升。
分析:本例中英语原文中使用了 “ourcompany”、“We”、“ourpeople”,同时以“our customers”称呼顾客,显示了亲切和尊敬的语气,体现着“客户至上”的企业文化精神。 又如:
【例 2】Since our founding in 1933, our main focus has been pursuit of excellence for our customers. In Hong Kong, our vast network of over 210 service outlets means a Hang Seng outlet can be found around most comers-to better serve you.
译文:恒生于1933年创立,追求卓越,精益求精一直是我们的服务奉旨。在香港, 我们拥有逾210个服务网点,网络庞大,几乎遍及全港每一角落--目的是为你提供更 优良的服务。
分析:本例中“ourfounding”和“ourvastnetwork”缩短了企业和客户的距离,“you” 同样透露着亲切和尊敬的语气,凸显“客户第一”的企业文化。
专业翻译公司的工作者在翻译汉语上突出了企业至上,以我为核心,习惯用第三人称表述自己,平铺直叙,措辞正式, 语气庄重,竭力为客户树立一个强大而可靠的形象,以博取消费者的信赖。 例如:
【例 3】1912年2月,经孙中山先生批准,中国银行正式成立。从1912年至1949 年,中国银行先后行使中央银行、国际汇兑银行和外贸专业银行职能,坚持以服务大众、 振兴民族金融业为己任,稳健经营,锐意进取,各项业务取得了长足发展。新中国成立 后,中国银行成为国家外汇外贸专业银行,为国家对外经贸发展和国内经济建设作出了 重大贡献。1994年,中国银行改为国有独资商业银行。2003年,中国银行开始股份制 改造。2004年8月,中国银行股份有限公司挂牌成立。2006年6月、7月,先后在香 港联交所和上海证券交易所成功挂牌上市,成为首家在内地和香港发行上市的中国商 业银行。
译文:Bank of China was established in February 1912 under the approval of Sun Yat-sen.
From 1912 to 1949, functioning as the central bank, the foreign exchange bank and the specialized foreign trade bank successively, it maintained stable development in line with the mission of serving the people and rejuvenating the national financial industry.
After the founding of the People’s Republic of China (in 1949), Bank of China became a specialized foreign exchange and international trade bank, making significant contributions to the development of China's foreign economy and trade as well as domestic economy.
In 1994, it turned into a wholly state-owned commercial bank. The demutualization process of Bank of China started in 2003. In August 2004, Bank of China Limited was established and then listed on Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange in June and July 2006 respectively, becoming the first Chinese commercial bank listed in both the mainland and Hong Kong.
分析:该段文字以“中国银行”为话题,按照时间顺序行文,以营造一种正式、权 威的氛围,以赢得客户的信赖,而通篇采用第三人称的视角,给人一种“企业至上”的 感觉,反而会疏远企业和客户的距离。试将译文划线部分“it”、“Bank of China’,、“The demutualization process of Bank of China” 分别改为:“We”、“We”、“Our demutualization process’’。
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