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汉语企业外宣文本结构一般较完整,各项信息逐项展开,一般开头部分介绍企业的 性质和历史发展情况,结尾部分是目标愿景,其余各段的顺序形式随意,无规律可循。 而大部分英语企业外宣文本结构相对完整,顺序形式比较固定?般为Who We Are, What We Do, Where We Work, Our People, Our Clients, Our Culture and Mission, Our Goal and Commitment,等等。但实际行文顺序根据企业不同会略有差异。
不少英语企业外宣文本各段前配有段落小标题,提纲挈领。而汉语企业外宣文本往 往没有段落小题标题,重点不够清晰,层次不够分明。以下框架结构语篇,从中可以看到每一段前配了小标题,信息突出、清晰明了,值得撰写或翻译汉语企业简介 时参考。
【例】中国石油化工集团公司(英文缩写Sinopec Group)是1998年7月国家在原中国石 油化工总公司基础上重组成立的特大型石油石化企业集团,是国家独资设立的国有公司、 国家授权投资的机构和国家控股公司。中国石化集团公司注册资本1820亿元,总部设 在北京。
中国石化集团公司主营业务范围包括:实业投资及投资管理;石油、天然气的勘探、 幵采、储运(含管道运输)、销售和综合利用;石油炼制;汽油、煤油、柴油的批发;石 油化工及其他化工产品的生产、销售、储存、运输;石油石化工程的勘探设计、施工、 建筑安装;石油石化设备检修维修;机电设备制造;技术及信息、替代能源产品的研究、 开发、应用、咨询服务?,自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口(国家限定公司经营或禁 止进出口的商品和技术除外)。
About Sinopec Group
China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) is a super-large petroleum and petrochemical enterprise group established in July 1998 on the basis of the former China Petrochemical Corporation. Sinopec Group is a state-owned company solely invested by the State, ftinctioning as a state-authorized investment organization in which the state holds the controlling share. Headquartered in Beijing, Sinopec Group has a registered capital of RMB 182 billion.
Sinopec Group's key business activities include: industrial investment and investment management; the exploration, production, storage and transportation (including pipeline transportation), marketing and comprehensive utilization of oil and natural gas; oil refining; the wholesale of gasoline, kerosene and diesel; the production, marketing, storage, transportation of petrochemicals and other chemical products; the design, construction and installation of petroleum and petrochemical engineering projects; the overhaul and maintenance of petroleum and petrochemical equipments; the manufacturing of electrical and mechanical equipments; the research, development, application and consulting services of technology, information and alternative energy products, the import and export of commodities and technologies both for the Group and as a proxy (with the exception of those commodities and technologies that are either banned by the State or to be carried out by the state-designated companies)。
分析:本例中,第二段列举了中国石化的主营业务,作为外宣的核心内容之一,信 息堆砌,层次不清,重点不明,显然会影响外宣的效果。借鉴美国能源巨头ConocoPhillips “Who We Are”部分中有关公司活动的表现形式:
The company has four core activities:
Petroleum exploration and production.
Natural gas gathering, processing and marketing, including a 50 percent interest in DCP Midstream, LLC.
Petroleum refining, marketing, supply and transportation.
Chemicals and plastics production and distribution through a 50 percent interest in Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LLC.
同时,筛选重要信息,剔除重复和次要信息,可以将中国石化的主营业务英译文字 以列举项目符号的文本样式呈现如下:
Sinopec Group has 6 core activities:
Petroleum exploration and production.
Natural gas gathering, processing and marketing.
Petroleum refining, marketing, supply and transportation.
Petrochemicals and other chemical products production and distribution.
Industrial investment and investment management.
Petroleum and petrochemical equipments overhaul and maintenance.
总之,汉语企业外宣材料表现出大量使用词藻华丽的形容词和修饰语,全文直通到 底等特点,而英语企业外宣材料在语言表现形式上通俗易懂、富有表现力。事实上,中文读者的思维习惯更注重艺术性和审美性,英文读者更注重信息性和逻辑性。因此,翻译公司的译者在将英语企业外宣翻译成中文时,需要照顾中文读者的思维习惯和审美标准,在保存原文 信息的同时,可适当用富有美感的汉语表达;反之,有资质的翻译公司在将汉语企业外宣材料翻译英文时, 在保存原作信息的同时,可适当降低原作的美感和渲染程度,将文采斐然的汉语词藻转 为简洁易懂的英文的习惯表达。同时,专业翻译公司的译者翻译时要注意做必要的删减,删去冗词和次要信息,根据英文习惯和逻辑顺序,可对原文结构进行调整,如分小标题或独立组合。一个好的企业外宣翻译可以使企业如虎添翼,不仅能宣传公司历史、组织结构、业务范围、 业务能力和经营理念,树立公司良好形象,而且更重要的是能大力促使外界与该公司开 展业务合作或购买公司产品或服务。
366 翻译社就是人工翻译,我以前用过他们的口译,来了个男的小伙子陪了我一天,口译水平可以的,头天也先看了资料了,后来笔译也是找他家做的.