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古体词是非常正式且古板的词,在现代英语中用得很少,但常用于商务合同和正式 公文中。在合同中使用这些词,可避免重复,做到准确、简洁、严密,反映出契约性行文正式、严肃、古板的文体特征。古体词均为副词,一般是由here,there或where与after, by,from, in,of,on,under,upon,with结合而构成的复合词。这类复合词中的“here” 应理解为 “this”,“there” 应理解为 “that”,“where” 应理解为 “which”。因此,hereof = ofthis,herewith = withthis (关于此点);hereafter = fromnowon;inthefliture (从此以后, 将来);hereby = by means of this (以此方式);herein = in this place (于此处);hereinafter = below or in this document (在下文);hereto = to this (关于这个,由此);hereunder = under this (以下);thereafter = after that (为此);thereinafter = in that part (在下部分);thereupon= as a result of that (于是,因此);therefore = for that object (为此,因之);whereas = considering that (考虑到,鉴于);whereof = of what (所谈的事);whereby = by which (借 以);whereto = to that (对于那个);whereupon = after which (然后)。
【例1】受让方应保持十分详细的账簿和记录,使下述提成费能据此确定为验明提成 报告和所支付的提成费,受让方还应准许出让方指定的有身份证明的公共会计师,在营 业时间任何合适的时候检查账簿和记录。
译文:The Licensee shall keep books and records in sufficient detail to enable the royalties payable hereunder to the determined, and, shall further permit such books and records to be examined by a certified public accountant appointed by the Licensor at any reasonable time during the business hours to the extent necessary to verify the royalty and payments herein.
在商务合同中,经常用成对的同义词或近义词,它们之间用and或or连接。使用 同义词、近义词并列结构是为了避免诉讼时双方律师钻词义间的细微差别而大做文章, 确保所用词不被曲解,因而翻译公司译者在合同翻译时一定要注意。
译文:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.
【例3】 This agreement is made and entered into in Shanghai on 6th Oct., 2010 by and between AAA (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”)and BBB (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”)。
译文:本协议由AAA (以下称“卖方”)和BBB (以下称“买方”)于2010年10月6日在上海签订。
分析:上述两例中,terms and conditions; is made and entered into; by and between均为同义词、近义词并列结构。采用同义词、近义词连用,能使英语行文更加严谨和 准确。商务合同中常用的同义词、近义词?用还有以下这些:
修改:amendments to or alterations of
效力:force and effect
履行:fulfill or perform
提供:furnish and provide
解释:interpretation or construction
达成:make and enter into
无效:null and void
秘密:secret and confidential
可转让:transferable or assignable