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使用专业词汇也是信用证语言的主要特点之一,而且信用证中有不少普通词语用作专业词汇的现象,因此,正规翻译公司译员在翻译这些词语时,如果只是采用普通译法,仅仅译出这些词语 的常见意思,则会导致译文失真。请看例句:
【例 1】Shipping window: Dec. 25th,2000.译文:出货日:2000年12月25日。
分析:这个表述常见于某些信用证翻译中,它是物流翻译术语,也用作ship window date, shipping window等,含义是“出货期”。
【例2】Full set of Clean On Board Ocean Bills of Lading issued on the order of shipper and blank endorsed,marked ‘Notify XYZ Corporation,and Freight Collect”。
译文:全套清洁已装船的海运提单,空白抬头、空白背书,并标明“通知XYZ公司, 运费到付”。
分析:该句的语言特色主要是专业词汇,仅一个句子,就涉及7个专业词语,如Clean, On Board,Bills of Lading,order, shipper, blank endorsed 及 Freight Collect 等,而且多 数是从普通词语转化而来的。要把握普通词语的专业含义并符合专业措词习惯,对译者 而言确实具有一定的难度,这也是该例翻译的难点。此处Clean的专业含义是指“货物 完好无损地装到船上,提单上没有不良批注”,习惯上将Clean B/L称为“清洁提单”, 与Foul B/L (不清洁提单)互为对应;若将其译为“整洁”,仅仅给人以提单文字工整、 表面干净的意思。同理,此处order也是专业词汇,应译为“指示”表明该提单为“指 示提单”,可以流通和转让,而且提单中通常将ontheorderofshipper译为套语,即“空 白抬头”。而“指令、命令”等仅仅是order的常用意思,没有体现专业含义。shipper在 这里不是“船方”的意思,其准确含义应为“托运人”,通常指的是卖方。
【例3】We hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders of draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the credit that such draft(s) shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified (if drawn and negotiated with in the validity date of this credit)
译文:凡根据本证开具与本证条款相符的汇票,并能按时提示和交出本证规定的单 据,我行保证对出票人、背书人和正当持有人承担付款责任(须在本证有效期内开具汇 票并议付)。
分析:信用证翻译中大量使用专业术语,对于没有从事过外贸业务的人士来说很难理解 它的含义,如本例中“bona-fideholders”指“正当持有人或善意持有人”,即议付行向受 益人垫付资金、买入跟单汇票后,即成为汇票持有人,也就是善意持有人。
【例4】Goods are in neutral packing and buyer’s labels must reach the seller 45 days before the month of shipment.
分析:本例中,专业术语“neutralpacking”指在商品上和内外包装上不注明生产 国别的包装。
Please submit certified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
Date Typed Name /Address
366翻 译社是移民律师推荐给我的翻译机构,我现在手里还有一个他的翻译文件袋,这是我给你做好的加拿大的移民局对翻译的要求,查看加拿大移民文件翻译原文:Please submit certified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.