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366翻译公司首页 > 翻译资讯 > 英文商务信函的写作必须掌握的7C原则


19-11-04 返回列表

  商务信函的写作应掌握7C原则,即:完整(completeness )、具体(concreteness )、清楚(clarity)、 简洁(conciseness)、体谅(consideration)、礼貌(courtesy)、正确(correctness),翻译公司的工作者也要按照7C原则来翻译。

  1. 完整(Completeness)

  The business letters must consist of complete and intact infonnation. The incomplete information will fail to enable the tradesmen to seize the business opportunities of doing mutually beneficial trades.


  The enquiries of others about something and your answers to the others’ letters must be made with reality and concreteness. Any ambiguous and vague words must not be used and the information must be supplied with definiteness and concreteness.
  The writer should express his aims, ideas and requirements clearly not only by distinct and understandable wordings, but also by correct phrases, tenses, voices and sentence structures in order not to be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Writing letters to and fro for enquiring about the same thing will enable you to miss business opportunities.
  A letter written with wordiness or redundancy will not be welcomed in the business circle. The business field is just like a battle field. The aim of doing business is to gain profits from fighting a quick battle to force a quick decision in winning over the business opportunities. In writing letters, the sentences you use must be brief and to the point.
  In preparing every piece of information and before taking every step, you must always keep your reader in mind and think about your opposite side. There is an old saying: uPut yourself into the reader’s shoes.” It means that you must always show your consideration for your correspondents.

  When writing to your correspondents, it is necessary for you not only to be polite, but also to be sincere and tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. It is also a kind of courtesy for the tradesmen to answer the letters and the enquiries promptly. Any delay in dealing with the matters is discourteous.


  Holding some important and beneficial information in hand, but at the same time with lacking of correct skills and certain level to express it in writing will make you unable to achieve your aim of conveying the business opportunities to others. Therefore learning good English, studying well the English grammar and English syntax and mastering good business English are very important for your achieving this goal. Whenever you are writing letters, faxing or E-mailing, you must check the typings of figures, types, specifications, etc. again and again before sending them out in order not to make any mistakes which will bring injuries to your business








If you are in the UK, where a document is not in English or Welsh, the original must be accompanied by a fully certified translation by a professional translator/translation company(必须是有专业资质的翻译者或翻译公司).

 This translation must include: · details of the translator/translation company’s credentials(翻译件中必须有翻译者或翻译公司的相关资质证明,例如TEM8的证书编号);

 and · confirmation that it is an accurate translation of the original document(翻译件中必须有这句声明); 

and the translator/translation company’s contact details(翻译件中必须有翻译者或翻译公司的联系方式). 

It must also be dated and include the original signature(翻译件中必须有日期及亲笔签名) of the translator or an authorised official of the translation company. 





也就是能证明你财力的那些东西,资金证明翻译件,纳税证明翻译件,公司的要营业执照翻译件,合同翻译件,资产负债表英文版,利润表翻译件,审计报告翻译,这个要问你的移民律师,他会给你全部准备好,每个人情况不同,所需要的材料也不同,我当时听律师的,仍然补充了两次材料,别幻想一次搞定,不可能的,移民官为了彰显自己工作重要性也会适当的挑一点问题让你补一次材料的,我找的是北京的366 翻译社翻译的,他在每页的翻译件的页脚都添加了翻译的宣誓词,和盖章,就是移民局要求的那个翻译资质,挺好的,我现在手里还有翻译档案袋。

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