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中国菜肴的命名方式多姿多彩,有的浪漫,有的写实,有的菜名已成为令人赏心 悦目的艺术品。因此,翻译公司译者在进行菜名的翻译时应具体问题具体分析,灵活运用多种翻译方法。
直译的方法以写实方法来命名的菜肴直接体现了菜肴的主料、配料、调料以及制作方法等信 息。在翻译这类菜名时,可直接采取直译的方法。
盐烙信封鸡 salt baked Xinfeng chicken 脆皮锅# 肉 deep fried pork 清蒸*卢鱼腩 steamed perch-flank 清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish 五香兔肉spiced hare 白灼螺片 fried sliced whelk 涮羊肉 instant boiled mutton 白切鸡 steamed chicken
红烧M鱼头 stewed carp head with brown sauce 各仁炒奸仁 fried shrimps with almonds
蛇汁鲍鱼片 fried abalone slices with oyster oil 糖醋排骨 spareribs with sweet and sour sauce 奶>由鱼肚 fried fish with cream sauce 草 IS 蒸鸡 steamed chicken with mushrooms 咸水奸 boiled shrimps with salt 酉良豆腐 beancurd stuffed with minced pork 油綱勞 stewed bamboo shoots with soy sauce
糖醋松子桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with pinenuts and with sweet and sour sauce荷叶粉蒸鸡 steamed chicken in lotus leaf packets 冬勞炒统鱼 fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots 腐乳汁烧肉 stewed pork with preserved bean curd 滑蛋牛肉 fried beef with scrambled eggs 冬蒜菜心 fried winter mushrooms with green cabbage 咖喔牛肉 fried beef with curry 辣味烩奸 braised prawns with chilli sauce
红烧#f 子头 stewed minced pork balls with brown sauce 肉片烧豆腐 stewed sliced pork with beancurd
雪菜炒冬勞 fried cabbage with fresh bamboo shoots 碧绿鲜奸脯 fried minced shrimps with vegetables 鸡茸海参 fired sea cucumbers with mashed chicken 蟹肉海参 fried sea cucumbers with crab meat 青椒肉片 fried sliced pork and green chilli 蛇油鸡球 chicken balls with oyster sauce
凤肝奸仁 fired shelled shrimps and chicken liver
奸仁机豆腐 stewed shelled shrimps and bean curd
红烧什肉坏仁豆腐 fried bean curd,shelled shrimps and missed meat with brown sauce 甲鱼裙边跟肥猪肉 stewed calipash and calipee with fat pork
我是在366 翻译社做的,我一下就记住这个名字了,数字的名字很奇怪,但是翻译速度很快,比我块多了,我现在手里还有当时的翻译文件袋,他有移民局认可的翻译专用章的,是有资质的翻译机构。当时我是自己翻译的,找他帮忙盖章,后来自己懒得翻译了,尤其是银行流水单,眼睛都要瞎掉了,后来就丢给他了,他有那个美国移民局要求的翻译资质(章)
新西兰移民资料翻译跟澳洲的政策是一样的,移民律师推荐366翻译社,在北京翻译机构里也属于比较有名的,有naati和catti资质,翻译页脚处会加上他们的签字盖章,移民局承认,是移民律师推荐的他.澳大利亚移民,移民局要求翻译的原文是:Translations provided by non-accredited translators overseas should be endorsed by the translator with their full name, address, telephone number, and details of their qualifications and experience in the language being translated。望采纳。
The original translation must contain confirmation of the following from the translator:(每一份翻译文件都必须包含:)
1.That it is an accurate translation of the original document; (翻译人员确认这是对原始文件的准确翻译;)
2.The translator's full name, qualification and working unit; (翻译人员全名,资质以及工作单位;)
3.The contact details of the working unit; (翻译人员所在工作单位地址及联系方式的详细信息;)
4.The translator's signature; (翻译人员签字;)
5.The date of the translation; (翻译日期;)