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如果英语长句内容的表达顺序是按时间先后或者逻辑关系安排的,翻译公司译员在翻译时就可 以采用顺译法进行翻译,即直接按照原文表达顺序译成汉语。需要指出的是,顺译不 等于将每个词都按照原句的顺序翻译,因为英汉语言并非完全对等,也需要进行灵活 变通,例如:
As soon as I got to the trees I stopped and dismounted to enjoy the delightful sensation the shade produced: there out of its power I could best appreciate the sunshining in spelendor on the wide green hilly earth and in the green translucent foliage above my head.
我一走进树丛,便跳下车来,享受着这片浓荫产生的喜人的感觉:通过它的力 量,我能够尽情赏玩光芒万丈的骄阳,它照耀着开阔葱茏、此起彼伏的山地,还有我 头顶上晶莹发亮的绿叶。
It begins as a childlike interest in the grand spectacle and exciting event; it grows as a mature interest in the variety and complexity of the drama, the splendid achievements and terrible failures; it ends as deep sense of the mystery of man^ life of all the dead, great and obscure, who once walked the earth, and of wonderful and awful possibilities of being a human being.
我们对历史的爱好起源于我们最初仅对一些历史上的宏伟场面和激动人心的事件 感到如孩童般的兴趣;其后,这种爱好变得成熟起来,我们开始对历史这出“戏剧” 的多样性和复杂性,对历史上的辉煌成就和悲壮失败也感兴趣;对历史的爱好,最终 以我们对人类生命的一种深沉的神秘感而告终。对死去的,无论是伟大与平凡,所有 在这个地球上走过而已逝的人,都有能取得伟大奇迹或制造可怕事件的潜力。
我单位的人办理特殊人才引进移民的时候,我在办公室桌子上见过一个翻译文件袋,366 翻 译 社,里面有美国移民局对翻译资质的要求:Please submit certified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
Date Typed Name
The original translation must contain confirmation of the following from the translator:(每一份翻译文件都必须包含:)
1.That it is an accurate translation of the original document; (翻译人员确认这是对原始文件的准确翻译;)
2.The translator's full name, qualification and working unit; (翻译人员全名,资质以及工作单位;)
3.The contact details of the working unit; (翻译人员所在工作单位地址及联系方式的详细信息;)
4.The translator's signature; (翻译人员签字;)
5.The date of the translation; (翻译日期;)