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商务英语中各类合同文本的条款往往具有法律条文般的严谨性,使用名词 化的汉译方法有助于确保英语文本的语体正式和庄重。动词转译为名词之后, 目的语文本更为简洁明了。
例1如我们双方对履行本代理协议都感到满意,并认为有必要延长或续 订,那么,我们任何一方均应在本协议到期前至少三个月通知对方展期。经双 方友好协商一致同意后,展期才能生效,否则本协议在到期后即自动失效。
代理协议也称代理合同,它是用以明确委托人和代理人之间的权利与义务 的法律文件,在国际贸易中也被广泛釆用。因此,涉及合同的商务文本的汉英 翻译,必然需要体现合同语言的起码要求和用词特色。按照中文意思,“履行本 代理协议”中的“履行”一般理解为动词,和“本代理协议”一并使用构成动 宾词组;“有必要延长或续订”中的“延长或续订”,英语中多半使用动词不定 式来翻译;“自动失效”可以理解为“自动地失去效力”,即“自动”作为副词 用作状语,而“失效”整体作为动词來理解或分拆为“失去效力”。由于商务英 语的重要特征和基本要求之一就是简洁,有意识地将这些动词转译为名词,可 使译文更为精简和凝练。翻译公司译员译文:
If we both find the execution of this agency agreement satisfactory and consider the extension or renewal of this agreement necessary, either of us shall inform the other party of the extension or renewal at least three months prior to the expiration ofthis agreement, and it will take effect only after the unanimous consent of both parties through friendly negotiation; otherwise, this agreement shall automatically be of no effect upon its expiration.
例2我们高度重视你方关于建立合资企业的倡议。如果你们看到我们关于 项目的准备工作有何欠缺之处,请毫不犹豫地告诉我们。我们保证与你方通力 合作,而且中国政府也支持我们合资企业正常的生产和经营活动,保护企业的~ 合法权益。
建立合资合作企业不但有利于对外开放、经济合作、技术交流,而且有利 于增加就业、促进管理水平的提高等等,不一而足。在实践中,合资合作的谈 判过程往往是一波三折、好事多磨,尤其需要反复的书信往来和面谈。原文中 的“通力合作”和“保护”按照源语的语境应属于动词,但鉴于创办合资企业 往往涉及国家之间的关系,往来文书通常正规,行文简洁。为达到这样的表达 效果,在英译时可以转换为名词,使得语体更为正式庄重。比如将“通力合作” 译为close cooperation; “保护”译为give protection to,语体庄重正式。类似地,“毫不犹豫”可以译为祈使句please do not hesitate或介词短语without hesitation 均可。译文:
We highly value your proposal for establishing a joint venture enterprise and please do not hesitate to let us know if you find any defect in our preparation for the project. We assure you of our close cooperation and what?s more, the Chinese government will also support the normal operation of our joint venture, and give protection to our company’s legal rights.
我司是出国留学,签证,就医,回国证件翻译,各单位认可的正规翻译机构,可以提供各单位认可的: 手术告知书翻译件,手术同意书翻译件。
Please submitcertified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
Date Typed Name /Address
Please submitcertified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
Date Typed Name /Address