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这类固定结构的特点是,词的形状和构成大同小异,但在使用中可能表现 出不同的词性,翻译公司的译者在翻译时需要妥善处理,以体现出不同的语气。这里以“于是” “何其”和“何以”为例,分析其用法的差异。“于是(于是乎、于此乎)”的基 本用法有二,一是用作连词,表示承接上文,一般用于句首;二是用作副词, 表示时间关系,可以置于句首,也可放在主语之后。
例1:王不听。于是国人莫敢出言。(《国语?周语上》)厉王暴虐无道,骄傲放纵,还派人监视并杀害那些议论他的人。这样一来, 议论的人少了,有人进谏国王也“不听”,即“不听取”意见。这里的“于是” 相当于 thereupon/therefore 或 as a result 等。译文:
The emperor won't take any admonition. As a result, nationals in the whole country do not dare to offer comments anymore.
例2:郑子展卒,子皮即位,于是,郑饥而未及麦,民病。(《左传?襄公二 十九年》)郑国的子展死,子皮即位为上卿。就在这时,郑国又发生饥荒而还没有到 麦收,百姓很困乏。翻译时,“郑子展卒”“子皮即位”“郑饥而未及麦”和“民 病”等一系列的事件都可以采用简单句,但会导致句式过于单调。译文:
Zi Zhan, the leader of the State of Zheng, died and Zi Pi ascended to the throne. When there happened to be a famine in Zheng there was still no harvest of wheat and the populace got hungry and exhausted.
“何其”,一般有两种用法。其一是副词结构,相当于“多么”,常用于形容 词、动词前面,表示增强感叹的语气;其二是代词性结构,相当于“为什么那 么”,常用于形容词、动词前面,表示原因和程度。
例3:虞卿料事揣情,为赵画策,何其工也!(《史记?平原君虞卿列传》) 解读原文可知,虞卿是通过“分析事理推测情势”来“为赵国出谋划策” 的,而这些“计谋、策略、权谋”都是非常“周密、细致和巧妙”的,令人惊 叹。翻译时应体现其中的逻辑关系,并借助于感叹句的结构来突出译文的语气。 译文:
Being good at making analysis and assessing the situation, Yuqing offers lots of counsel and suggestions for the State of Zhao. How careful and incisive!
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我单位的人办理EB-2杰出人才引进移民的时候,我在办公室桌子上见过一个翻译文件袋,3 6 6 翻 译 社,里面有美国移民局对翻译资质的要求:Please submitcertified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
Date Typed Name