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翻译公司译员在翻译过程中,从客观上说,英语语篇中的连词的使用比汉语频繁,这也从篇章的层面体现了英语 的外显性和汉语的隐含性。下面所列是英语篇章中的一些主要连接词,分别表示顺序 (Sequence)、因果(Cause and Effect)、比较与对比(Comparison and Contrast)、递加 (Addition)以及列举与结果(Examples and Results)等含义。
例 1 Using highly trained people to look for trouble has a number of benefits. For a start, there are economies of scale: since intrusions are rare, each operator can watch many networks at once. This also enables operators to spot trends that would othemise go unno?ticed-such as a hacker using a particular style of attack on several different networks, or ai?ming at firms in a particular business (such as banking or e-commerce) . And each operator can make allowance for human foibles, such as recognizing the nightshift operator with chubby fingers who tends to mistype his password.
The Human Touch The Economist 译文使用训练有素的人员来寻找问题的做法有一系列的好处。首先,从规模的 角度来说这种做法十分经济:网上人侵者毕竟数量有限,所以一个操作员可以同时监测 许多网络。另外,操作员得以发现一些本来可能漏网的新趋势,比如某个黑客可能用某 种特有的方式同时攻击几个不同的网络,或者算计某个行业中的一些公司(如银行或 电子贸易)。此外,操作员还会容忍人类的小缺点,比如某个值夜班的操作员用肥胖 的手指敲错了密码。
由于汉语的隐含性特点,汉语语篇逻辑的连接往往借助语境本身,而不是连接词, 在汉译英中,我们要注意在必要的地方加上连接词。
例2美国儿童在“ 一切靠自己”的观念下成长起来,崇尚个人奋斗,鄙夷依附 他人,构成了美国社会的基本观念之一。(《儿童通讯社》)译文 American children grow up with the notion of self-reliance. ” Thafs why re?spect for individual effort and contempt for over-relying on others has become a basic concept in American society.
例3这一餐吃得别扭,桌子本来就小,低着头吃饭的时候,头差不多要顶住头了, 抬起头来的时候,眼光就不可避免地相遇了。既不能相视而笑,又不能蹙额以对。只好 没表情,假装对面没有人。(张曼娟《12:15兰花小馆》)译文 That was an awkward lunch. The table was too small, so that their heads were a- bout to touch when they bend down to eat, and when they raised their heads, inevitably their eyes would meet. At that point, they could neither smile nor frown at each other, so they chose to look expressionless, as if nobody were sitting opposite.
可以去366 翻译社的,我之前和朋友去美国就是找他家翻译的,他家经过公安局交通队车管所认证的翻译公司,翻译的材料是有效的。记得要盖章,我还有个那个翻译公司的纸袋子
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Date: May, 7th, 2018