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试看下面 的例子:
1) Where neither religion nor philosophy can serve to maintain a healthy spirit and a mor?al basis for society, a vigorous national patriotism has sometimes served as a substitute. But the empire destroyed patriotism; it was cosmopolitan in its tendencies, and swamped the nar?row but very real devotion to the city, which had been the main source of the strength of the earlier republic. Patriotism needs stress and adversity to develop its best features. It almost presupposes that the state has dangerous enemies and aspirations that have yet to be fulfilled. But under the empire the Romans absorbed all their old neighbours and foes ; Syrian and Span?iard ,Briton and Numidian, were all made Romans of a sort. There was no peril from the ex?ternal barbarian for two hundred years. The Parthian Empire was slowly dwindling in strength ; the Germans had not yet learnt to combine; they might perhaps check an invading army, but they could be no serious danger to the state. In short, there was no adequate object against which the patriotic impulse could be directed, and it gradually dwindled away into a vague and unfruitful pride. When external matters at last became serious, in the third century after Christ, there is no trace whatever of any sense of national duty among the heterogeneous Ro- mans” of the day.
当宗教和哲学都无法维系健康的社会精神和道德基础时,强烈的爱国主义精神有 时候可以充当某种替代品。帝国已经摧毁了爱国主义精神;它越来越趋向世界化,从 而淹没了人们对罗马城狭隘但却非常真切的热爱,而这种爱正是共和国先前主要的力 量来源。爱国精神需要在压力和逆境中才能充分发展。它的先决条件几乎就是国家面 临着危险的敌人以及还有未竟的目标。但是罗马人的帝国已经把他们以前所有的邻居 和敌人都吸引进来了;叙利亚人、西班牙人、不列颠人和努米底亚人都成了罗马人的 一部分。两百年来,外面的蛮族没有构成什么危险。帕提亚帝国的实力正在逐渐削弱; 日尔曼人没有学会联合起来,他们也许会迎击来犯的军队,但却无法对罗马构成严重 的威胁。一言蔽之,爱国激情缺乏适当的目标引导,逐渐衰退成了一种模糊而无益的自豪感。公元3世纪,当外患严重起来时,在当时由各种族组成的所谓的“罗马人”
2)中华民族不但以刻苦耐劳著称于世,同时又是酷爱自由、富于革命传统的民 族。以汉族的历史为例,可以证明中国人民是不能忍受黑暗势力的统治的,他们每次 都能用革命的手段达到推翻和改造这种统治的目的。在汉族的数千年的历史上,有过 大小几百次的农民起义,反抗地主和贵族的黑暗统治。而多数朝代的更换,都是由于 农民起义的力量才能得到成功的。中华民族的各族人民都反对外来民族的压迫。他们 赞成平等的联合,而不赞成互相压迫。在中华民族几千年的历史中,产生了很多的民 族英雄和革命领袖。所以,中华民族又是一个有光荣的革命传统和优秀的历史遗产的 民族。
The Chinese nation is known throughout the world not only for its industriousness and stamina, but also for its ardent love of freedom and its rich revolutionary traditions. The histo?ry of Han people, for instance, demonstrates that the Chinese never submit to tyrannical rule but invariably use revolutionary means to overthrow or change it in the thousands of years of Han history, there have been hundreds of peasant uprisings, great and small, against the dark rule of the landlords and the nobility. And most dynastic changes came about as a result of such peasant uprisings. All the nationalities of China have resisted foreign oppression and have invariably resorted to rebellion to shake it off. They favour a union on the basis of equality but are against the oppression of one nationality by another. During the thousands of years of re?corded history, the Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders. Thus the Chinese nation has a glorious revolutionary tradition and a splendid historical heritage.
倒1是一段史论,翻译的时候要通过细读原文,找准论点,理清句子和句子之间 的逻辑关系,确定词语的准确含义,采用规范的书面语进行翻译,必要的时候添加连 接词语,以使译文的逻辑关系清晰明了。这是翻译论文的基本要求。另外,在翻译前 还应该了解有关的背景知识。在这样一篇史论中,一定的专业知识是不可少的。例如 Germans-词,在讲述罗马史时通译为“日耳曼人”,因为当时德国还没有建立,故不 能译成“德国人”。同样,Briton -词也不可以译为“英国人”,而应译成“不列颠 人”。例2的这段汉译英也体现了上述原则。在原文中,“族”这个字出现了许多次, 译者细致地考察其含义,在不同地方采用了 nation,people, nationalities等不同译法, 准确地传达了原文的意思。译文论点明确,语言庄严雄辩,句与句之间意思衔接紧凑, 基本再现了原文的风貌。
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