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手 机:139-1123-0511
邮 箱:einkedu@qq.com
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翻译方式关系的连动式时,有时可考虑将表示方式的动词或动词短语译为介词短 语,另一个动词或动词短语则译成句子的谓语。例如:
a.她带着一束美刚的鲜花回来了。She came back with a bunch of beautiful flowers.
b.我们热烈鼓掌欢迎新同学。We welcomed our new classmates with warm applause.
翻译方式关系的连动式时,有时也可把表示方式的动词或动词短语译为分词,另 -个动词或动词短语则译成句子的谓语。例如:
a.他一路哼着歌从山上走下来D He walked down, the hill, singing softly to himself.
b.他匆忙走进了那所房子,后面跟着两个陌生人。He hurried into the house, fol?lowed by two strangers.
c.她跪着,闭上眼睛,向上帝祈祷。Kneeling and shutting her eyes,she prayed toGod.
翻译因果关系的连动式时,可把表示原因的动词或动词短语译为不定式、分词或 原因状语从句,另一个动词或动词短语则译成句子的谓语。例如:
a.妈妈听到这个好消息很高兴。My mother was delighted to hear the good news.
b.他们打败了,撤退到山谷里。Defeated, they withdrew into the valley.
c.她惊呆了,一句话也说不出。Overcome with surprise, she was unable to utter aword.
d.他们听到这个消息就立刻出发了。Hearing the news, they immediately set off. e.我没有遵守规定,受到了处罚。I was punished because I didn’t obey the regula?tions.
以上是连动式的常用翻译方法。翻译公司人员然而翻译过程中,往往需要译者根据英语的习惯 用法,灵活处理。有时也可采用其他一些恰当的方法。例如:
a.她蹦着跳着跑开了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过阳台,进了门廊。 She skimmed away over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.
美国移民局对翻译资质的要求:Please submit certified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
Certification by Translator
I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
Date Typed Name
Certificate of Accuracy
I, ______________________, hereby certify that I am a translator with the Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd., a legally established professional English translation service provider qualified to provide translation services between Chinese and English. I am fluent (conversant) in the English and Chinese languages. I have translated the enclosed Chinese documents into English, and hereby certify the translations to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, ability and understanding of the documents attached.
Signed by: __________________________
Name: _____________________________
Translation Seal of Beijing JWZY Education Science And Technology Co., Ltd
Date: May, 7th, 2018
两种.1.直接在上面手写翻译,这样不好看,但是翻译量少. 2.重新制表,然后往里面填写大量的数字,这个要看你自己做还是找翻译机构做了,你要有时间就自己来,要么就找 翻译公司帮你做,我手里有个以前同事的翻译文件袋,366翻译社,做签证翻译的,你试试。案例:银行流水翻译模板.
新西兰移民局:“为防止您的短期签证申请延误,签证申请人的关键支持文件应提供认证过的英文翻译(certified translations)”,新西兰移民局(INZ)不为签证申请人提供翻译。移民局接受以下机构或个人提供的翻译件:
* 来自新西兰内政部提供的翻译服务,或
* 来自社区内声誉良好的能够提供准确文件翻译的人士,或
* 来自使领馆或高级外交使团(需加盖相关机构印章),或
* 任何其他私人或官方翻译机构
通知说,申请人、他们的家庭成员和帮助签证申请的持牌移民中介不应翻译文件。临时签证申请人还需向新西兰移民局提供所有健康文件和警方证明的英文翻译。移民局表示,“我们目前正在考虑对所有支持信息强制执行英文翻译。 一旦我们做出决定,我们将公布更多相关信息。”移民局称对此有任何疑问,可以和移民局联络中心取得联系。
0508 558 855 — 新西兰境内固定电话免费号码
139 1123 0511 --- 北京有certified translation 翻译资质的翻译社。