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1) Although during his three years in Egypt Forster became sufficiently interested in the country to write a guidebook to Alexandria, a pamphlet for the Labor Research Department, and some thirty miscellaneous pieces on Egyptian topics, India was by no means forgotten ; // indeed, to some extent his experiences of the two countries, and particularly of British imperi- al attitude,reinforce each other.虽然在埃及的三年中福斯特对这个国家相当感兴趣,写 了一本亚历山大旅行指南,一本为劳工研究部编写的小册子,以及三十多篇以埃及为 题材的不同性质的文章,但他却丝毫未曾忘记印度。//他在这两国的经历,尤其是在 两国所感受到的英国的帝国风范,的确在相当程度上是相辅相成的。
2) In the life of a healthy youth there must be opportunities for physical daring and en?durance ,// especially in such an age as ours when there is nothing compulsory to call out the reserves of physical power in the lives of young men.在一个健康青年的生命里,必须有机 会来让他培养生理上的勇气和耐力。//在我们所处的这个时代中,没有任何强制性的 事物可以唤起年轻人的生命中蕴涵的能力,所以这种机会尤其重要。
3 ) But another conflict on the borders// clearly would put strains on neighborly relations between the two countries.但是,如果在边界再次发生冲突,//显然会使这两个国家的 和睦关系处于紧张状态。
1 ) Tardiness in rising is punished by extra haste in eating breakfast or in walking to catch the train: //in the long run, it may even mean the loss of a job or of advancement in busi-ness.爱赖床的人会得到惩罚:他们得赶着吃早餐、跑着赶火车。//从长远来看,这可 能意味着失去工作或升职的机会。
2) There is a physical and mental and spiritual enjoyment that comes from a conscious?ness of being the absolute master of one's work, // in all its details, that is very satisfactory and inspiring.如果对工作能完全自觉地掌握,那么在生理与精神上就能感到愉悦。// 说得更具体些,就是能够感到满足,受到鼓舞。
1 ) I never worked out this puzzle until the later years of the war, when I began to read R. G. Collingwood --a man // who I consider, whatever his critics may say, will come to be regarded as one of the most brilliant and stimulating writers of our age. -■直到战争结束的那 几年,我开始读R.G.柯林伍德的作品后,才解开了这个难题。//我认为,无论批评 家对他的评价如何,他终将会被视为这个时代最有才气、最能激励人的作家。
2)Then we begin to read novels, which are stories about people like ourselves, //who have to meet either difficulties which are known to all of us or an exceptional set of circum- stances calling for the exercise of great courage and skill.然后我们开始读小说。//这些小 说的主人公都像我们一样,他们肯定会遭遇许多困难,这些困难要么是我们所熟悉的, 要么则是需要巨大的勇气和熟练的技巧才能克服的。
3)No city could lay stronger claim than Tai^n, the birthplace of everlasting Chinese sage-philosopher, Kung-Fu-Tse, // who reigned supreme in the world of knowledge and aca?demic pragmatism for over 2,000 years, // and whose wisdom and teaching forged the intel?lectual excellence and foresight with pragmatic realism, bequeathing mankind an unrivaled treasure of knowledge.泰安是最有资格人选的城市,因为它是中国万古长存的先哲和思 想家孔夫子的诞生地。//孔子的思想在知识领域和学术实践中居于至高无上的统治地 位已长达2000年。//孔子的智慧和教诲以实际的现实主义锤炼了卓越才智和远见卓 识,为人类留下了无与伦比的知识宝藏。
我是在366 翻译社做的,我一下就记住这个名字了,数字的名字很奇怪,但是翻译速度很快,比我块多了,我现在手里还有当时的翻译文件袋,他有移民局认可的翻译专用章的,是有资质的翻译机构。当时我是自己翻译的,找他帮忙盖章,后来自己懒得翻译了,尤其是银行流水单,眼睛都要瞎掉了,后来就丢给他了,他有那个澳大利亚移民局要求的翻译资质(NAATI翻译资质章)