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由于英语的语言习惯用前置性陈述,先果后因;而汉语则相反,一般先因后果, 层层递进,最后综合,点出主题,所以,翻译公司译员在处理这种句子时,宜采用前置法,就是将英 语原句中的某个成分或某些部分,在翻译成汉语的时候放到句子的前面或中心词的前 面。只要该成分不是太长,不至于造成行文上的拖沓或汉语句子在连接上的麻烦,我们就可以尽量使用前置法。这种方法可以使句子意义十分紧凑,使结构上的整体感更强。
在翻译时将英语句子中的后置定语成分,包括各种词组或从句,放在中心词(即 被修饰成分)之前,使译文句子更加紧凑。
1 ) He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbi-trarily.如果有人敢于公然蔑视世界公众舆论而一意孤行,那他一定是个鲁莽之徒。
2)The General Assembly may call the attention of the Security Council to situations which are likely to endanger international peace and security.大会对足以危及国际和平与 安全的形势问题,提请安全理事会注意。
3 ) We saw a film about the life of soldiers yesterday afternoon.昨天下午,我们看了一-部描写军人生活的影片
4)We are trying to make a list of all the books there are on the subject?我们正设法把 现有的有关这一问题的全部书籍编一目录。
1)They had to give up the program for lack of investment funds.因为缺乏投资资金, 他们只好放弃了这项计划。
2)But all men now live in a changed world because this simple man of genius gave his intelligence and heart to his fellowman.由于这位纯朴的天才满腔热忧地将自己的智慧献 给了人类,人们现在才能生活在一个与过去不同的世界之中。
3)Oil consumption is increasing rapidly throughout the world.全世界的石油消耗量正 在迅速地增长。
4)I couldn’t think much of John after he had done a thing like that?由于约翰做了这 样一件事情,我无法再尊重他了。
5 ) The compass needle can be used to show direction because the earth itself acts like a huge magnet.因为地球本身就像一个巨大的磁体,故指南针能用来表7K方向。
6) A student of mathematics must become familiar with all the signs and symbols com?monly used in mathematics and bear them in mind and be well versed in the definition, and formulas as well as the technical terms in the field of mathematics, in order that he may be a- ble to build up the foundation of the mathematical subject and master it well for pursuing ad- vanced study.为了能够打好数学基础,掌握好数学知识,以利于深造,学数学的学生 必须熟悉和牢记数学中所有常用的符号和代号,精通数学方面的定义、所有的公式和 术语。