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有时候一个句子如果按字面意思直译成汉语,读起来就有晦涩费解之感。这时候 就需要对英语原文中的某些部分加以引申,改变原文的结构,或者将其弦外之音补译 出来,这样才能使译文顺畅。这类引申属于语用学方面的手法,在翻译公司中运用非常频繁。
1)When Stephen was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, ‘‘We’ve read yourarticle. We expected to meet an”当史蒂夫被介绍给这对老年夫妇的时候,他们只是淡淡地说:“我们看过你的文章,没想到你这么年轻。”
2)It was at Friendship Store that she snatched up the gift for her daughter Kate, thelovely doll which resem6/erf a p/umper她送给女儿凯特的礼物是在;fei宜商场买的。那个讨人喜欢的洋娃娃简直就和凯特一样,就是稍微胖一些。
3 ) There is much woman about him.他的举止颇带女人气。
2)When shall we meet today? 77iw is a c/ay.我们今天什么时候见面?我今天实 在太忙了,改天好吗?
3)The rest of the day was anti-climactic.高潮过去了,这一天余下来的时间里所发 生的事情就是尾声了。
4)Washington must do something about that man, and soon.华盛顿该对这个家伙采 取行动了,不要再拖了。
1 ) That does not worry me as much as that sullen look, as though she?s going to get out a razor.我觉得最可怕的还是她那凶狠的样子,就好像马上要掏出一把剌刀宰了你一样。
2) Rubber is not hard. It giws way to pressure.橡胶性软,受压就会变形。
3 ) He had lived all his life in desert where every cupful of water might be a matter of life〇r
5 ) Enthusiasm is dampened by habit, but reinforced concrete still deserves a large meas- are〇/iz.人们对事物习惯了以后,往往热情会减退,但对钢筋混凝土却仍情有独钟。
4)*' I don't know why," my father held his ground. “ Isn’t there enough lousy poetry in the world already? TVo Miy SiwWy /jcm to a poei. ”“我真不明白,”父亲继续坚持他 的看法,“世界上的狗屁诗歌现在还少吗?哪条法律规定巴迪必须当诗人?”
5)When Jean graduated from high school, she looked at the world, through rose-coloredgZaMe.s.简高中毕业的时候,把一切事情看得太简单太容易了。
国外翻译认证,美国加拿大称之为official translation,澳大利亚新西兰称之为NAATI翻译资质,欧洲,,例如英国德国,认可的翻译资质叫sworn translation、和第三国非英语国家的,都须包含以下内容:
The original translation must contain confirmation of the following from the translator:(每一份翻译文件都必须包含:)
1.That it is an accurate translation of the original document; (翻译人员确认这是对原始文件的准确翻译;)
2.The translator's full name, qualification and working unit; (翻译人员全名,资质以及工作单位;)
3.The contact details of the working unit; (翻译人员所在工作单位地址及联系方式的详细信息;)
4.The translator's signature; (翻译人员签字;)
5.The date of the translation; (翻译日期;)